Sunday, February 28, 2010

Sentimental Sunday:

I have a tradition on Sunday to take a Sentimental Journey with either Books TV or Movies..Since I'm working on werewolves in my WIP's I figured I would watch some classic werewolf flicks
My favorite scene is this one

What Do you do on sunday?

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Silly Saturday: Insperation..aka "HUH Thats Odd?"

This Video is how I feel when I come up with a new story line and run it past someone else...
They usually look at me and go "HUH?" followed by (or) "That's Odd" wondering just how crazy I am to come up with that combination for a story. In my works I want to combine horror with romance in a new and different way. Say Stephen King Meets Judith McNaught..well, I'm their bastard child. I love mixtures melding and all the natural and unnatural things that come from them.
So with that said I'm going to give links of some Odd things that may inspire you!

and if it doesn't ...what does inspire you?


Friday, February 26, 2010

Oh My Goddess Friday!

There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.~ Louis L'Amour

First Blog
Star Date 26 2010

Yeah I did say star date and yup! You guessed it I'm a huge Geek! You'll find this and so much more about me in the following days!
Today and Every Friday is Oh My Goddess Friday.
This is the day when I put a closer On the work week and head into hopefully a fun weekend!
Not that I got too much work done because of the snow!
What do you have planned?
Do you do something Special on The weekends?
I am a Huge Rodeo Fan so this weekend I plan to Escape to Pennsylvania to get to Talk to and meet some guys that Compete . They are up here visiting and have graciously offered to give me all the dirty details of life “On the Buck” as I call it .
I will give all the details when I get back.
What are you a fan of ?

Here are some links to some rodeo sites and when to watch the events if you have versus or ICT you can check them out



other links:

Book Reading:
Nobody's Baby But Mine